Speakers free of grain, glare and steel?

$2,000 or less used/new speakers free of grain, glare and steel, but with detail, extension, imaging, and tonal accuracy and balance? Acoustic Zen Adagio, Merlin TSM MME. Gallo 3.1, Frafrotski SE? Most speakers are competent, some are outstanding, a few deliver magic. Which speakers are the most musical and easy to listen to, rising to the top of a crowded field given their price point, and the most "forgiving" of their associated components? Which have magic?
Fritz lists the Carbons at a 87db sensitivity, and I'm pretty sure he runs them at shows with the Modwright KWA 150, a fairly beefy solid state design, so I'm thinking they want some power. Seems like your amp should serve.

Looks like you've narrowed your choice to two pretty different animals, a conventional box design and omnis. If you've not listened to such speakers, I'd definitely try to hear the omnis before undertaking the hassle of a home audition to see if you like the distinctive presentation. I'd not have similar qualms about the Carbons; not many surprises here, since they are (very nice) versions of the kind of monitor you've heard before.

I agree about undertaking an home audition of the omnis. I asked John S. at Ohm about hearing them in Seattle but he said he couldn't help me there. If there's anyone in Seattle with omnis following this thread, I'd be grateful for an audition!
My current speakers, Silverline SR-17.5, are rated at 89db/8 ohms. My amp has plenty of power to drive them.
Yes, omni's are different and often require some time for the ears to adjust if not used to it. That's one of the reasons OHM offers such an extended in-home trial period.

I've owned OHM Walsh speakers since 1981 and I found my ears did not fully "get" the newer models improved sound at first. It took some time to get fully tuned in. However, for many, once they do get "tuned in", there is no turning back to conventional designs for total satisfaction, for better or for worst.

I suspect the Merlins would be a very good and very safe match with the TAD gear. You would probably want the mods that make them more tube friendly, which I believe is an option.

I think audiogoner MartyKL owns MErlins, OHMs and the TAD amps, among others. It might be worth pinging him for his findings.
I have never heard Silverlines but they have a good reputation. I wonder if the other monitors you are looking at are really any better? PRobably different sounding to some extent at a minimum.