Jazz vocalists recorded wonderfully

Just arrived today, Jacintha/Lush Life a  2001 release, Specifically jazzy slow blues, 
All star back up artists, with all piano and string arraingments by  the incredibly gifted, creative Bill Cunliffe, Stunning arraignments,  Guitarist Anthony Wilson, another super star, Accordion work on a  few tracks from Frankie Marocco, 
Super Star band.
So after listening first time, all tracks have the same blues-jazzy ambience. You might think, , maybe a  change up on a  few tracks would have added some spices, 
Not really, Not a dull track on the cd. 
Following up my previous topic, , which jazz vocalists do you feel, actually work just fine, if not perfect, in spite of any studio tinkerings. 
My vote has to go with Jacintha's Lush Life. 
How much tinkering is added, is not at all important, Jacintha set out to create a  lush dreamy atmposphere, and she has acomplished the task with  wonderful success. 
Its dreamy lushness. 
Here, one never gives any thoughts about how her voice <<might be>> modded
, as she sounds just so natural  in these soft , delicate, <no rush> melodies.
This is a  2001 record, same  years as Diana Krall's releases, and Lush Life also has that warm recorded studio sound. But not nearly as warmed over as noted in Diana Krall's work.
Other artists that you consider a  natural, and not  touched up with excess.

Eva Cassidy, Nightbird, 30 odd tracks, all recorded on one night, live, at the Blues Alley, from a truck parked outside.  Can't get much more unadulterated than that.
i agree about Diana Krall.... by the way.... And i dont want to bash her, she is good, but i look for other than only good

Yes here I have some understanding about what i am trying to say over at my other topic... Some are bashing my opinions,, *I must have some hidden agenda*,, which  if I made my point obscure,, let me be clear-ER,
+ Modern electronic gadgets have falisfied, made fake , some singers vocals abilities
Thats obvious,,who can deny. 
Krall like every singer in mmod times has some support in the studio,, main point is our computers have allowed this fake , this sham  to keep us all fooled.
Thats my point, Diana Krall has talents,, Not to the degree the critics claim, nor in reality. 
Her Paris show was a  bore, Just admit it. 
The orch is wayyy to gawky for my taste. 
= Not true  jazz, = some fake modern  pop crap.
When you listen to the best singers there is in history in all styles, your taste ask for the truthfull expressive but simple powerful heartfull rendition...

We must prefer one genius over another one, but simplicity and ease, with truth always win our heart...This is called genius....For example takes Ella Fitzgerald...Or Billie Holiday....Or Kathleen Ferrier...Or Amalia Rodrigues...

Beside that we have the crowd of talented singers "au gout du jour" that we can like but never love....For example Diana Krall....She is very good.... That is not the point.... Is she a genius like Ella or Maria Callas? i dont think so....

A day of listening is made of chocolate cake and simple bread also, or even peanuts and Goddam! i like peanuts when i want peanuts....

I prefer the brazil nuts of Irene Kral to Diana Krall peanuts tough ..... :)

By the way i dont give a dam about the style, be it classical, jazz, folk, fado or even persian-iranian (Mahsa Vahdat or Minoo Javan or Shusha), or arabic (Oum Khalsoum) or Indian (Kishori Amonkar).

Geniuses know no borders....
Geniuses know no borders....

Great post, I Like your sense of honest and humor. 

Art is art, one should not so rush to judge

I watched a  travel show many years ago, british traveler, showing us Kazakistan. 
Beautiful but very rough climate to etch out a bare living,, at the very end of his show, sucha  shame he did not devote at least another minute or 2 of this young Kazak tribal folk singer playing her small guitar stype instrument. 
Just incredible,, I would buy all her cds IF avaliable,,I serached forever looking for Kazak folk singers,,but nothing near what magic this gal sang out. 
Think about how much folk muisc has been wonderfully performed in mountainous regions north of Indian, all eastern russia. Never recorded, sadly, regretfully, we will never have the pleasure to be swooned by these magical folk stars. 
But so, yeah, should we give so much credit to modern artsist who rely too much on voice mods via high tech gadgets?

My wife  tells me do not touch her Diana Krall cds,,even thuogh she never listens to them, **I like Diana Krall*, 
My vote is immaterial. 
The public decides the vote.

Geniuses know no borders....
My collection is classical, but not much pre 1900.
You might like the super high genius (equal to Einstein as  far as music, spiritual ideas go) of Alfred Schnittke. I have all his music,
Also note Elliott Carter, Allan Pettersson(love all his syms minus 2 and 16),  and how could i forget the super genius of Hans HENZE, have all his  music, Astonishing.