Jazz vocalists recorded wonderfully

Just arrived today, Jacintha/Lush Life a  2001 release, Specifically jazzy slow blues, 
All star back up artists, with all piano and string arraingments by  the incredibly gifted, creative Bill Cunliffe, Stunning arraignments,  Guitarist Anthony Wilson, another super star, Accordion work on a  few tracks from Frankie Marocco, 
Super Star band.
So after listening first time, all tracks have the same blues-jazzy ambience. You might think, , maybe a  change up on a  few tracks would have added some spices, 
Not really, Not a dull track on the cd. 
Following up my previous topic, , which jazz vocalists do you feel, actually work just fine, if not perfect, in spite of any studio tinkerings. 
My vote has to go with Jacintha's Lush Life. 
How much tinkering is added, is not at all important, Jacintha set out to create a  lush dreamy atmposphere, and she has acomplished the task with  wonderful success. 
Its dreamy lushness. 
Here, one never gives any thoughts about how her voice <<might be>> modded
, as she sounds just so natural  in these soft , delicate, <no rush> melodies.
This is a  2001 record, same  years as Diana Krall's releases, and Lush Life also has that warm recorded studio sound. But not nearly as warmed over as noted in Diana Krall's work.
Other artists that you consider a  natural, and not  touched up with excess.

Sophie Milman's voice comes through with natural talent, her cds offer a  wide variety of tempos and styles. Highly gifted artist. 
Voice make over is never  considered while enjoying her musical expressiveness. 
Think about it, 
Folk artists/singers all around the world, past 5 K years,, could not rely on modern  electric gadgets to help bolster, fortify, embellish vocals which would then attract bigger  crowds,, Stardom was not their goal. 
Either the folk singer could sing or else he might have been booed and reduced to only playing his instrument and having others sing their tunes. 
Thats my point here,  how far should modern artists go inorder to achieve some ideal set by industry executives, for financial gains. 
I have no issues now that i've heard Sophie Milman's wonderful talents  from the studio, its charming and thus fogivable on any modifications. 
Same feelings I have for Jacintha, excusable if mod gadgets played  a role in the recording. 
She has gifts and so her creativeity outshines any mods which may  have accentuated her liquid voice. 
How far should we allow  artists to employ mod gadgets inorder to grab better out attention, our interest. 
Less is best.