SET 45 and their (real) required speaker efficiency


Gosh, wasn't sure if to post in the speaker or amp sections. But here it is. 

I've got a Finale/Triode Lab F-300B Monoblock amp paired with the Omega Super Alnico monitors stated at 94.5db efficiency. It does very well with this amp and I'm very happy with the pair overall. With classical being 90% of what I listen to, I guess I haven't really pushed the system to its limits, but it delivers plenty of what I like with acoustic instruments. Harmonics (texture and timbre), tone, minor dynamic shifts (musicianship), etc.

My question is for SET 45 tube owners and recommended speaker efficiency. Do the 2 watts from these amps have a 'real world' threshold where they simply can't deliver under a certain efficiency rating? So, for example, my speakers state 2 watts and up are enough. But I've had a few people tell me that 94.5db is not enough for this SET. However, on the Decware site, it does put a pair of Omega speakers on it's site as, what I imagine being a suitable speaker to pair with their 2 watt amps. The amp I'm thinking of getting will have Hashimoto transformers and a 20 watt output transformer. Not sure if that will give a bit more for the speaker to use or not. Also, are speakers w/o crossovers something to consider if I need to go look for another pair of speakers? Finally, what would your experience with the 45 SET amp suggest as far as the optimal efficiency rating for these tiny two watts?

Geesh, it's 5:40 am, no sleep yet, please ask a question if all the above sounds like someone hasn't had sleep yet.

Anyway thanks folks, really appreciate any suggestions to an optimal efficiency.

take care,

... well Men's voices as well, I suppose. Although, I don't invite them over much 😄
Thanks for that extra bit isochronism, gives a bit more to check out. It's starting to look like I'm going to find the speaker before I order the 45. I do have a 2a3 shipping any day now, so that will help with the speaker choice. As it's not quite as much drive as my 300B. 

Exactly, people do seem to have a love/hate thing going on with their no cross-over 1 driver pair of speakers. I hear these drivers as a great extension of the amps' electronics. My cable of choice is directly from what a majority of studios use. Mogami cable. And I'm working on finishing all my cables with KLE connectors. Then I'll change to KLE for my speaker terminals. So, as much as I can use the same wire/connectors to get the amps signal to the driver, the more I at least feel like I'm trying. So far, it's paid off very well. I am not exaggerating when I finally had 90% of my cables/connectors from all the same make and the difference was immediate. t's funny, many big name 'audiophile' companies will claim to get the speaker first, "speakers are everything". I guess it's true to some point. But if you talk with Louis over at Omega, he states that it's the amps sound which is everything. His speaker is only there as an analog electronic extension, of sorts, of the amp. As there is not much between. A very well respected SET designer has mimicked almost the exact same words. Makes me wonder. But yeah, I save a lot of money with this cable/connector thing due to making my own. I'm anal about it all. Thermal wire cutters, Cardas solder and taking care of my best solder tips. Saves me so so much cash. The next move will be to repeat it but all with KLE copper connectors. 

Thanks again. I'll look up the Virtuoso for size and performance. Maybe I can use the size of this cab. 
I have an Oliver Sayes 45 SET (1.5 watts) and Omega Super Alnico monitors in an 11 x 18 room and listen to mostly small ensemble classical but also some full orchestral pieces. I have more than enough power to play at comfortable listening levels.
For what it's worth, my speaker cables (Tempo Electric, solid single-core silver) have bare-ends. 
I really like my 45 SET and Omega Super 3 High Output XRS. Very musical combo.