Speaker match for Chord DAVE and D'Agostino Progression Integrated

Looking for floorstander suggestions to audition with new Chord DAVE DAC and D’Agostino Progression Integrated. I listen to classical, jazz, blues, classic rock and Indie. Listening room is 15x21x14 ft high. Budget? Good question. $20k -$50 (assuming I can find a good used $50k at $25k...)

Replacing PS Audio BHK 300 monos/BHK pre (primarily for space considerations) and Modwright Oppo Sonica DAC. In the past I’ve had Harbeth m30.2s with HSU subs. Went with Focal Kanta 3s for a slightly more "forward" less "polite" sou sound.I will see how my Focals play with the new electronics, but will also be auditioning others. I know it’s a broad ask. Thanks for any direction.