Who says cables don't make a difference?

Funny, after all these years, people still say things like "you wasted all that money on cables". 
There are still those who believe cables don't make a difference.
I once did marketing for a cable line I consider to be about the best-Stealth Audio Cables. 
One CES, I walked the rooms with the designer/owner, Serguei Timachev. He carried a pair of his then new Indra interconnects. Going from room to room he asked the room runners to replace their source to preamp IC with the Indra. There was not one that was not completely flabbergasted and said that the Indras blew away what they were using. That was the skyrocketing of Indra and Stealth. The Indra became one of the best reviewed cables ever.
Serguei now makes the Sakra-an IC that blows away the Indra!
I don't understand why some still do not value cables as much as I.
@mahgister, objective proof does not have to have hard numbers, though it can, but critically it must isolate what is being tested, and the test must be repeatable. Saying "I changed this cable and I think it now sounds better", is subjective proof. At a stretch, you may even want to call it evidence.  Having someone else change the cable 10 times and not tell you what cable is in the system and you being able to reliably pick the one you claimed "sounded better". That is now objective proof.  There is no reducing consciousness to numbers. It is just a matter of reliable identification ... using nothing, absolutely nothing but your ears and brain. The only measurement that may occur is external to ensure levels are matched.

An objective proof in matter of cable is nearly impossible because of all factors implicated and also because it is impossible to reduce experiencing consciousness to numbers dials in principle....And the experiencing of cable difference is most of the time easy to test ourself by replacing one, for sure that is not a proof only an experience.... :)

Shouting this louder will never make it true, no matter how distorted modern audiophilia has become ...
From my experience, everything is equally important.  Your experience may differ which is perfectly fine with me.

objective proof does not have to have hard numbers, though it can, but critically it must isolate what is being tested,

My experience with my electrical treated grid, in my house, with my electronic components, with my cd and files, the well known one i love the best, how can we reproduce that in an another location?

You cannot isolate these encompassing elements all linked in one audio systen, MINE....

This Evidence is easily accessible to experience in your own house for yourself to repeat  with your rightfully treated audio system.... Objective proof with a volontary crowd of guinea pigs and a repeatable experiment not so, especially in a non treated electrical grid, and with a non treated room , and with non controlled resonant system....They are many factors implicated dont you see?

But your goal is it to make an experience for yourself? or debunk audiophile claim of differences?
I hope this isn't true or we'll never find a vaccine for Covid-19. 

Objective proof with a volontary crowd of guinea pigs and a repeatable experiment not so....