Replace Ayre Codex with QB-9 DSD?

Time in front of the Codex with the instructions hasn't solved the problem of inaudible audio.  I'll try again tomorrow, but I don't recall difficulty when I originally set up the Codex.

I found a used QB-9 DSD for about $1200.  Would that be a worthwhile upgrade for balanced input to an Ayre A7e integrated that drives KEF LS50s?
Ag insider logo xs@2xdbphd
I had an AX7e a while back.  Isn’t there a tape loop or something that’s mutes the unit?  I remember something similar and it was my error.

best of luck
In addition to the above post, please review your Roon volume settings.  I am not a Roon user so please see this link:
@dbphd, Someone on your other Audiogon post reports:

"ROON does have a volume level but I always leave it at 100 and use my AX-5 to set the volume". 
@dbphd, Any news on adjusting the Roon volume level mentioned above?  

Let us start over, again. My assumption is the problem is NOT the Codex DAC (gut feeling).  Any chance of borrowing another DAC from a friend and see what happens? This test will confirm the CODEX DAC works or does not work.

Let us also assume, for minute, the issue is either the Mini or ROON.  What do you mean by inaudible audio?  Does that mean NO sound or just a little sound?  I had a similar issue when streaming from my iPad and had to turn the iPad volume control up to its highest setting.   A little sound means a volume control setting, somewhere, needs to be increased.  In other words, if the CODEX DAC is not working, you will get no sound.  

Does your Mini, Roon, or anything else have a volume control that needs to increased?  Please double check again (sorry), all setting on these devices to ensure their volume setting is set high.  If none of the above, what else could it be?

If nothing, please call Ayre Acoustics for advice.  Please keep posted.
When I first noticed the problem, the sound was very low.  Now there is no sound.  I don't recall make any changes in the the interim.