Monster HTS5000 Advice

Hi, anyone out there own the Monster HTS 5000 that has had good luck or would like to comment about it. I am think of purchasing one and would like some feedback. Much thanks
Opps, did not finish one of thoughts above. With these things heavily discounted, I suppose there will be quality control problems some times (pressure to pump them out at low cost). But I have had zero problems with mine. Sorry about my spelling boo-faas (Glass vs Class for example). Just too tired from working late (at least that sounds like a good excuse)
That was good! I have not purchased a PS audio powerplant because of the heat and extra power consumption. There has to be a better way. I would love a product that does everything that the Monster does but I need on that can handle a least a 20 amp load. It would be nice it it like the monster could be turned on with the accessory output of my pre-amp.
I use the Monster HTS2000 in my setup with good results. This model receives more favorable reviews at than the HTS1000 model. It is also available online for the discounted price of $125.00 new. I also believe that is has a favorable review in Sterophile magazine as well. If you do not need "meters" it is a good inexpensive choice IMO. The casing (strip) is longer (19" or so) than I thought from the photos, but can be easily wall mounted behind your rack or cabinet, which does assist organizing the cable/cord blob..
I have a HTS3500 its great. I have two Adcom ACE515 its much beter than them.It does a very good job of filtering the seperate componets. I have a Audio Research. Amp thats real pickey about what you plug it up with it cured that problem. Its very effective at reducing background noise to. I can highly recomend it!!!!!!