Best USB Asynchronous DAC 24/192 under $600? Help

Hello Audiogoners,
I am looking for a solid state DAC. What’s the best I can possibly get for U$S 500-600?
Requirements for the DAC:
- Asynchronous USB
- Support up to 24bit/192 khz via USB
I really don’t need extra features. All I care is good sound.
I did a little bit of research and these units made my list based on reviews, price, and capabilities:
1. Ami Musik DDH-1
2. Ami Musik DS5
3. Cambridge Audio Dacmagic Plus
4. Schiit Bitfrost
5. Asus Xonar Essence One
Which one would you buy? Am I missing units within this price range that are worth considering? I would really appreciate your expertise/suggestions!
Thank you all in advance
Jl35, you are right. However, from what I can see the Halide DAC does not support 24/192, which I need.
In the end Totally relying on reviews and opinion is mostly fruitless. So, audition the Concero and Schiit, and send one of them back.
The Concero and Schiit Bitfrost are definitely the top contenders. I think I'll do what Bsme85 suggested. Thank you everybody for their input and help. I'll let you know which one I kept! Cheers