Puritan PSM156

Hello All,

 I came across this product while searching Power Conditioners. Puritan PSM156.

 Does anyone have one, or, does anyone know anything about it, and how it would stand up to or even better the more popular and well known brands?
Ag insider logo xs@2xloganfan
 Thats what started this whole power conditioning thing. I was able to purchase a Phillips 5R4GYS from someone on Ebay. The day I installed it into the Modwright power supply for the Oppo 205, I was blown away by how quiet and amazing the sound was coming out of the speakers. Really blown away. I could not believe that this tube was able to do this. Well, it lasted for that listening period. Ever since then it has gone back to where it was before installing this tube. Don’t get me wrong, still very good, but not like that. I have since checked the tube with my tube tester and it tests great. I can only assume that this great sound was due to a lack of noise, perhaps AC noise. Maybe even the time of day. So that one short period of time started me on this AC noise journey. I am currently using a Furman, I believe its a 20 PFI. 



Typically tube break in can take 200 hours or more.
During that time you will have periods of good sound/better sound/back to worse/better again/back to worse and all sorts of in between until it’s finally broken in.

How many hours do you have on your rectifier?
Typically tube break in can take 200 hours or more.
During that time you will have periods of good sound/better sound/back to worse/better again/back to worse and all sorts of in between until it’s finally broken in.

How many hours do you have on your rectifier?

 I know tubes need a break in, I did not know they can sound better, worse then better. I thought they just get progressively where they are going. I have only 20 hours on the tube. Maybe I will leave it on during the weekend to see what happens. Thanks for the heads up.

I can't speak to the ups and downs with the Puritan, but with the Niagara 1200, the top end wasn't as resolving of the faintest swirls of air in the high end until about 4-5 days of use. After that, going directly into the wall proved no difference in that respect.

My test track for that is the Main Theme music for The Revenant, where between the mass strings, the ghost like winds that blow and swirl between them are a great test for that. 

Everything else improved as well, exposing more and more detail and nuance. I really can't detect anything else since.

All the best,

 I know tubes need a break in, I did not know they can sound better, worse then better. I thought they just get progressively where they are going. I have only 20 hours on the tube. Maybe I will leave it on during the weekend to see what happens. Thanks for the heads up.

You have a long way till broken in completely.
When it's finally done, it will sound better than your first listen which you loved. Every tube is different and goes through different periods of worse/better.

As an example...
My Reflektors sounded great on 1st play, got better at 50 hours, again between 75-100 hours, slight improvement at 150 hours, and opened up 1 last time at about 200 hours. YMMV. :)