Behold Gentle G192 Media Player

Hello again!

We at TARA Labs have been having a lot of fun auditioning new components for our listening room. One recent subject is our Behold Gentle G192 Media Player. It functions as a music server, amplifier and preamplifier, DAC, and DSP corrector. Musically the sounds are very detailed and well-defined, but without the analytical nuance quality that some digital components produce. Rather the sound seems well extended, airy and open overall. Has anyone else tried this media player? Are there any similar products that you have had good experiences with?
"01-27-15: Audiolabyrinth
Hi Zd542, Do you remeber the Krell kps 25sc?,"

Yes, I do remember it. But, to be completely honest, I never liked Krell Digital. It was definitely built well and looked amazing, but I just didn't care for the sound.

I just remembered something that you may be interested in. Check with Bo1972. He reviewed a product maybe 6-8 months ago, that sounds like what you are asking for. I don't remember the name of it, but he liked it very much. He may have mentioned something about 3D sound, lol.
Zd542, That's funny!, you know better than to joke about hooking me up with him, come on man!, Ha,he,ha.
wisnon, I took a look at the lumin equipment, unless I missed something, they do not have a volume control, this, I do not want.
The Lumin UPnP Network Player is a Linux-based player and DAC with a digital volume control all wrapped up in a gorgeously smooth machined 17+ pound slab of solid aluminum.
Also, the key for these streamers is SOFTWARE development of the Control point (eg the iPad App).

Not sure if the one man boutique shops can handle keeping software updated and doing the customer support needed for this. You have to stay with bigger outfits like Lumin with a battery of programmers and support staff.

Its as much software and networking saavy as it is hardware knowhow and implementation.