Obsidian plinth dust cover adjustment

My question is if the dust cover ''springs'' can be adjusted such that the cover stay in ''up position'' during
the play? My sample is not capable to keep this position.

From the photos I am attaching you will see the hinges broken down and made up of multiple items of the Technics base SH 10 B3.

The bottom screw you see should serve to adjust the spring preload, you should adjust that screw by screwing it or unscrewing it to make the cover dust rise.
Also in the hinges of the plinth of the JVC QL7 there is a similar screw; if you tighten it too much, the lid does not remain raised and slides to the ground if it remains completely "unscrewed" the lid remains raised without any problem.
You just have to try to adjust that screw.

Dear chakster, I lost any hope when our encyclopedic member 
from Russian Federation was silent. One should not believe in
miracles or omniscient persons. Thanks for your specific advice
but I don't need one more  couple of those Obsidian hinge(grin).
Dear best-groove, When I purchased Technics SL 1000,mk2 
there was no user manual included. Despite of this I improved
the Obsidian plinth by removing its mediocre feet and provided 
with Technics pneumatic ''towers''. I was then very proud of myself. That was also the reason why I waited so long to ask for help...
Thanks for your ''input''. 

Dear best-groove , This question can be better answered by
our ''omniscient chakster''. Besides he own the biggest of
those ''towers''.

ok ok ok I already understood everything ... they are the usual and nowhere to be found Audio Technica 616