Synergistic Research Cable Risers?

  Recenty Synergistic  research  brought out some cable risers.

  The audio press said they made one of the biggest differences when taken out of the system, then re installed back in. Does anyone have first hand experience with these ?

  That being said, they seem like quite a bit of money for what you get, however if they  work at improving the sound it would be worth it. I do use Synergistic products  which have made a definite improvement in sound but am quite skeptical on this product.
I'll be the first to say proudly that Ted Denney is a salesman ... and a damned good one at that. He's also a promoter ... and good at that too. He's a manufacturer in a very competitive business ... and he excels at that as well. 

Starting out living in his small factory because he couldn't afford rent on the business and an apartment at the same time, Ted has brought, what was once a little start-up company, into an international success. All of this while his detractors stand around with their fingers up their noses, wondering what the hell happened. 

I don't have much of Ted's products in my system, just the Level III power cords, a ten-pack of HFT's to help treat the room, and a full complement of SR's new Orange fuses. I've reviewed all of these products on this site.

Synergistic Research products have been very helpful in allowing me to attain a level of sound in my system that can only be described as spectacular. And this with speakers that were built to a price point. Speakers, that can be purchased today on the used market for under $2000.00 per pair. 

I find it interesting how salespeople are disparaged, not only here on this site, but in society in general. Interesting, because nothing moves in this country without a salesperson on the front end of each transaction.  

Think about it ... every semi-tractor/trailer you see traveling down the highways of this country, carrying goods to the marketplace, every item in the retail stores, every automobile you see on the road, had a salesperson at the front end of the transaction, even before the pen hit the contract of sale.

The plastic, copper, gold, and circuitry in our smartphones, the aluminum, steel, plastic, and leather in our cars, had a salesperson at the front of those transactions too.

The lumber, the nails, the roofing material, the drywall, and the siding in our homes all needed to be "sold" before it came to the marketplace and eventually went into building the homes.

The concrete, steel and all of the material that went into building our roads and bridges had a salesperson upfront even before construction began. Same for the heavy equipment used to build those roads and bridges. Someone sold that equipment, and someone sold the tires, axels, pistons, and valves that allow that equipment to move.

I've often said in my 50-year sales career that any recession could be ended if every salesperson in the country would just take the time to knock on just one more door every day.

The indisputable fact is, that without salespeople, there wouldn't be an economy, period.

Ted Denney a comedian? Hardly. In the true sense of the American tradition, Ted Denney is a hero.

Get over it,

Now do engineers and qualified product designers.

In the true sense of P.T. Barnum ...perhaps a hero.
heaudio123 ...

Agreed. Without engineers, as weird as they are, we wouldn't have the technology that we enjoy today. They put the satellites in space that allow us to talk on our cell phones. They design our infrastructure. Even traffic control requires engineers. Without their planning, our streets would be a chaotic mess. So, in their own sense, they are American heroes too.  

By the way, P.T. Barnum was a promotional genius. I fail, however, to see what he has to do with engineers. Please elaborate. Thanks ... :-)

“If a product is not promoted something terrible happens. Nothing.” - PT Barnum

“Never wise up a chump and you can’t cheat an honest man.” - WC Fields

“Every crowd has a silver lining.” - PT Barnum
I second Frank's post.  I've tried some SR products that didn't work for me despite their claims that they need HFTs to work (I use 32 HFTs instead of elaborate/expensive/large quadradic diffusion paneling on front and rear walls).  I also use his upscale fuses and duplex outlets.  They are cost effective for the sonic improvement.  My cable manufacturing friend who derides all tweaks was convinced that the difference in standard versus blue fuses is amazing and chose to retrofit his fuses with circuit breakers (sounding equivlent to blue fuse sonic improvements).  I found out recently that due to the design of my cables and extension power boxes that a certain tweak does not work at all despite it working in Frank's and 40 others systems quite nicely.  Tweaks are just as system dependent as amps mating to speakers, amps to pre-amps, cartridges to tonearms, etc.