It looks like a debate to me.

I'm more interested in hearing the viewpoints of people that have earned stripes in the audio industry rather than faceless hobbyists.  Am I alone in this?
Most people have not (rpt not) heard a truly great system. I’m not going to speculate why that is. They might think they have, sure. That’s why the old wives tale of live music being the absolute sound persists. It’s like a virus. No live venues sound alike so how can live music be the ideal. Do you think a crappy venue still sounds better than a good home system? Give me a break? There is no absolute sound. Yes, I know what some of you are thinking, “But how do you know? Are you out of mind?”
... Take all comments with a grain of salt and a grain of truth.

Verify with your own experience... be open to others statements (ask if by experience or by opinion and be 50% sure they are truthful in their response) and remember things that were heresy years ago SOMETIMES PROVE OUT...

Could # of responses/forum comments be relevant?
" could # of responses/forum comments be relevant? " only if they were relevant to begin with.

... SHARP-POINTED truth: I guess I'd agree that a comments' relevance to topic should be of paramount importance (and value to the 'conversation'/forum discussion)...
In through the nose out through the mouthand repeatMMM... Im feeling better already!