Sent Back the Pro-ject Turntable: What would be the best option in the $1800 range?

I wasn't crazy about the sound quality so I sent it back. 

 chakster recommended this TT:

What are the recommendations of other audiogoners at that price range?

Thanks noromance!

Too late! I already sent the Pro-Ject back.


Thanks for the advice!

+1 Mani ... I'm keeping mine ... Used is a good option.
 @klimt, you should be good with Crutchfield.
Can anyone recommend a cartridge that pairs well with the SL-1200GR? It needs to be $450 or less.


Pickering XSV-3500 and Stanton 881 for Technics tonearm are great, these models are withing your price range.

Grace F-9 is another killer MM within your price range for Technics tonearm.

SONY XL-50 with Boron Pipe cantilever is also great.  

I'm a little surprised that no one mentions Clearaudio.  I'm guessing the majority dislike belt drive.  I bought a Champion Level Two with the Unify carbon fiber tonearm in 2002 and I still love it.  Currently using a Benz Micro Wood SL.  But this is beside the OP's point.  Clearaudio's entry level with their house mm or mc cartridges review very well.  What do you think?