Love it when it snows

Nothing quiets things down like a nice blanket of snow. The roof is muffled, and the forest too. But I think there may be even more going on. Doesn't snow often here, but every time it sure does seem like the power is cleaner. For sure the listening is better. 
When during your entire life you were  pursuing any political agendas instead of truth, the toll on your brain function add with times passing, believe it or not, this is science, and senility dont arrange anything...

My advice is : meditate about truth, dream about truth, think about it, but dont give to truth any name especially not the names of you best idols... Tremble and fear that the day may come that you will not care enough for truth...

How do we recognize truth? Simple : truth will not spare your superb and pride, nor your intellect and ideas, neither your actions...Truth will not name itself :"hello I am the truth and I am your friend". Truth is an energy like love without name...When we name them it is for our own sake, and then we betray love and truth...

After that meditation, left-wingers, and right-wingers, will appear like they always been : voluntary puppets responsive for the disease of their mind...

Sorry but sometimes we must clearly speak our mind... My best...

Truth and love remind me of 2 snowflakes, all are totally unique, individualized, pieces of matter arranged by the same geometrical symmetry betraying the ultimate oneness behind all...Then snowflakes remind me of truth and love and with this hexagon inscribed in the circle the circle is completed...
mahgister is shaping up to be the coolest kid on the block.


Don't you live in California? Aren't you retired? Am I wrong? What keeps you away from Hawaii, Alabama, or American Samoa?
According to the numbers that oregonpapa’s article provided, there is about six or seven poop-patrolers in San Francisco. Not too many for the place that is not exactly a village. Maybe there is not so much poop on the streets after all.
What Henny Penny's rant doesn't mention is that it is only 6 members who have that job and the salary I quoted for a street cleaner was correct. Because of the hazardous nature of the job, they get that pay. The way he says it, one would get the impression that public employees are all making that kind of money. I'd love to hear him rant about corporate pay.

Imagine if Reagan never started us down this path.

All the best,
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