Do they really make a difference? Definitive answer is....

I have certain and unequivocal evidence that high quality cables and interconnects absolutely Do make a vast improvement... I heard it.  This is my second go around with set of nice cables - the first time I didn't realize how much of a difference the cables made because I bought all the equipment and the cables at one time.  this  go around im piecing things together as I go ...As soon as I put these cables on,   the transparency, imaging -things like the sound of the symbol being lightly struck by a drumstick (it's good to be king -Tom Petty) is round, full and has that distinct flavor..  quality cables are simply enriching to the system.   

thats how I feel
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Rodman- I studied with a trumpet professor down at Indiana university for several years. His primary philosophy was that hearing was a sensory development. In other words -the more you listen the more you hear. the rewards Ive gained from years and years of critical listening is something I can not put into words.

I have certain and unequivocal evidence that high quality cables and interconnects absolutely Do make a vast improvement

Fantastic.  We've been looking for good hard evidence for years!  All we've had are audiophile anecdotes saying "I heard a difference," the same "evidence" we get for green pens on CDs, mpingo discs, digital cables, and magic pebbles.

But you have unequivocal evidence!   What is it?

... I heard it.

Oh.  Yeah.  Thanks.  Glad that's settled. ;-)
"Oh. Yeah. Thanks. Glad that's settled. ;-)"

I know!  me too... and listen,  if anyone has any questions about anything else I know some little about,  Ill be glad to offer my empirical unequivocal universally sensory developed correct answer.  
(et lingua in maxillam)...I do love those cables though...
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For those that can hear the differences, no explanation is necessary.      For those that can’t, no explanation is possible.     NEVER stop listening and learning!