What monitors sound OK on a bookshelf?

I bought a new house with a living room that has beautiful bookshelves and layout complications which restrict my ability to use stand mounted monitors for the front channels. I want to buy some small speakers that will sound OK sitting at ear level in the bookshelves. I love Harbeths, for example, but have no idea how they would sound in this setting. Any thoughts on good options?
Try Genelec 8040, 8050 or Focal Twin 6 Be - all are designed to sit on a studio meter bridge and should sound great on a book shelf.

I have the Genelec 8020b as office desktop speakers and they are without parallel for their size (if you like precise sound) - for a bookshelf you will need a bigger model Genelec.
I have Harbeth PSESR's on an entertainment unit, close to the wall. They sound incredible - no port, easy to place...