Do you prefer tidy room to messy one with better sound?

I got two 18 inch Scaena sealed subwoofer(120lb each , Kevlar/Carbon composite cones) last Friday.

But delivery man dropped the package in my garage.
My neighbor helped me to move 120 lb subwoofers to my third floor listening room on Sunday.

It is fun with subass rumble to real 16hz in the background.

The subwoofers work with my Lansche 4.1 speaker like magic with clean and deep bass and enormous dynamics and wider deeper soundstage.

My listening room used to be tidy about 18 months ago

But now it is a mess with several isolation transformers and cable for Sr1a headphone.

Even with such mess, I enjoy the sound of my 2 channel system and Sr1a, Stax 009s headphones.

How about other audiophiles?

Do you prefer tidy room to messy room with better sound?

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I need my room to be neat or I can't relax and enjoy the music.Well...If I turn the lights off and have a couple of drinks I can manage it:-)
There is one positive aspect to clutter in a listening room. It acts as diffusion and can actually make the room sound better. For non treated rooms of course.
It is going to be best to have a tidy room which sounds well.

But in reality, with so many tweaks. cables applied, it is not easy to organize it in tidy look.