Dear friends:I really need your helpwith first hand experiences with speaker crossover capacitors founded in next main experiences/tested premises: for a 3-way speaker design, high resolution audio systems, very low distortion audio systems, wide systems frequency range, " zero trade-offs ".

I know that the best capacitor is NO-capacitor, well I need your near to that full experiences with another desired premises from you: audio systems using SS electronics and mainly listening MUSIC through digital sources.

All your opinions/help are appreciated.

Regards and enjoy the MUSIC NOT DISTORTIONS,

Ag insider logo xs@2xrauliruegas
Dear friends: There are many things that the Wima does in the rigth way, some I already posted but two of the Wima characteristics in the speaker crossover are sometyhing that we can hear only through near field listen live MUSIC. one is POWER where each instrument shows you its power degree and overall what we can listen is that real MUSIC power that it's as in live event ( I'm not talking of high or low SPLs. No. ) the power that only have the live MUSIC the other astonishing/outstanding characteristic is CLEARLY that permit to listen more MUSIC that comes in the recording and that before Wima you just can't have no matter what and I say no matters what because my experiences with Duelund, Mundorf, V-cap´s, Jantzen and the like just can't do it due to its heavy colorations that impedes that CLEARLY that belongs to Wima caps.

Yes I'm exited because for me after more than 40+ years in audio never had first hand experiences like this one today and I listened room/system from 10K to over 300K.

Why that POWER and CLEARLY characteristics, easy: way lower colorations/distortions. Wima are way accurate devices not analytical but accurated something that unfortunatelly all caps I tested/used over years just has not.

I listen ( between many other recordings. ) last nigth to an old CD that is the original soundtrack Flashdance and that has good MUSIC but not very good recording and rigth now is just impressive in any of its tracks but the first one " What a feeling " with Irene Cara is gorgeus and something to hear/listen.

What changed a not very good recording in a good recording: a lot lower distortions and this is Wima puts your nearer to the recording and nearer to the live MUSIC.

adding " niothing " to the audio signal other that makes its job, this is the big  difference and that's what means accurate in this regards application.

I don't use adjectives as smooth, warm, organic and the like to describe the Wima " sounds " because those audiophiles adjectives are not shared by Wima caps. Perhaps the only one is: neutral but not the neutral meaning in the " past " but a true NEUTRAL.

Wima is not an audiophile cap but a MUSIC lover caps, that's what Wima is.

Btw, I never imagine that my room/system had the today so high quality performance levels when in reality always that quality levels been there hidden through the added overall system developed colorations/distortions/noises.

Yes, it's a great discovery for me.

Dear friends: With more time/hours listening my NEW systems with that WIMA caps in the crossover not only can confirm those two characteristics that only have the live MUSIC: POWER and CLEARLY ( not pristine but clearly. ).

Now I can say that through the WIMA caps that almost " don’t touch/degrade " the signal the MUSIC FLOW in a totally free way, just like live MUSIC, and not only that but the TEXTURE of each note/harmonics of instruments that you can " cut with a knife " ( positevely. ). You can " touch " those notes/harmonics ( textually. ).

Other characteristic is its full COHERENCE and INTEGRATION of all instruments in what you are listen it.

Tjhe experience is so REAL that you have to live it to understand all those characteristics. Just FANTASTIC  ! ! believe me.

I know that those adjectives is not the first time you read it but its meaning through the WIMA caps is not different but leaves to you to other order of magnitude. Yes those WIMA are my long audio life discovery of discoveries.

So to the ones of you that wants or are looking not for a different but for a true better quality performance levels I invite you to test the WIMA caps at your tweeter and mid range speakers crossover.

Boutique caps are almost a " joke " against the humble and inexpensive WIMA.

Good luck I have to return to follow enjoying MUSIC as never before.


I forgot, I will report on WIMA woofer crossover caps when I put my hand on it because due that I need 100uf is not easy task to find out as with the tweeters/mid range caps.
Glad you like them.  I would not paint with the broad brush you use saying all boutique caps are a joke.  I tried Wima and they are nothing special to me.  Certainly no Vcap Odam or Miflex copper foil! 
This is all subjective based on your ears, preferences and particular room and piece of gear the caps are installed in.  
Great when you find something that works for you. 
Over at the Humble Capacitor review site they liked it fine giving it a rating of 8 which is pretty average. Not poor, not great like many “boutiques”.  That jives with my experience with these in both crossovers and electronics.  They are pretty average.  The quote from the Humble site.....

WIMA MKP 10 100VDC - 10% tolerance

Technical specifications (according to manufacturer): "Pulse capacitor. The construction principle of the series WIMA MKP 10 consists of a non-metallized dielectric film and an carrier film metallized on both sides acting as electrode. Thanks to the metallization on both sides, the electrical conductivity is considerably improved and the contact surface between the electrodes and the schoopage layer is doubled. This results in better contact and allows for high current and pulse loading capability. The properties of metallized capacitors such as excellent self-healing and high volume capacitance remain unchanged."

Sound: With the WIMA MKP 10 you get a neutral, smooth and well balanced capacitor. For this price range the amount of transparency is quite reasonable and overall the MKP 10 is pleasant to listen to. Compared to the similar shaped and sized Mundorf RXF the presentation is more forward and a fraction less clear. But never the less it has good overall sound qualities. Don't forget to give it some time to burn-in. Fresh out of the box they sound restricted and dynamics are limited. After several weeks of use they should open-up.

Verdict: 8