Who else here is frugal?

If I had to describe myself as an audiophile in one word, I'd like it to be frugal. Iconoclast may also be right, but if I'm different it may be due to being frugal.  There used to be a TV show called The Frugal Gourmet. To paraphrase him, the food he cooked wasn't necessarily cheap, but he'd get as much value as he could out of what he was doing.

Being an iconoclast doesn't hurt either. Listening for yourself and buying what you like, regardless of what reviewers say and how expensive something is also points us towards this.

What about you? Do you feel better saving money than spending it? Then tell us about yourself. :)
 And E,nice Montgomery Burns reference!!

Thank you, but lets give credit where due, Monty was riffing on the Star Trek pilot with Captain Pike.
audiozenology310 posts01-05-2020 2:26pmSpending not enough money usually results in more unhappiness than spending a bit too much. Of course spending way too much makes me unhappy as well.
+1 audiozenology
I have found spend enough to keep my enthusiasm for this hobby. But definitely not spend on and on and on. A lot of equipment I get with the thought to have it give me a good go for many years. So I try to get something, really good for me, that I won't get tired or tempted for something else easily to soon. I buy with quality in mind also.
There was a conflicted audiophile who was so chintzy that he played Lotto to fund a state of the art system. He died unfulfilled.  ;)