Bryston's BP-26 vs 17 cubed

I’m curious if anyone has done a serious comparison of Bryston’s BP-26 and the 17 cubed? I have been demoing the 17 cubed for approx. 40 hours now. Previous preamp was Classe’ Sigma SSP. My other gear consists of Joseph Audio Pearl 20/20, Classe’ CAM-600, PS Audio Memory player and Directstream Senior. I like the 17 and will be demoing the 26 towards the end of the month. The 17 has a nice warmth to it without sounding too syrupy. From what I have gathered the 26 will have more punch towards the base mid-range, and perhaps more detail? I have narrowed it down to either of these two units, not interested in other preamp suggestions. If anyone can shed some insight into this it will be greatly appreciated.
I owned the Bryston BP6 for years. I spoke to James Tanner at Bryston as I was contemplating the BP26, and he said the circuit topology and parts are very similar as is their sonic performance, the main difference being the BP26 has balanced connections and the outboard power supply.  I didn’t need the balanced connections at the time, so given the price difference and similar sonic signature I went with the BP6 and was not disappointed in the least. 

Id categorize the BP6’s sound as the ultimate straight wire with gain. The clarity and overall transparency is outstanding, and it has a very quiet yet airy backdrop that produces an amazing 3D holographic soundstage. What it absolutely does not do is add or subtract anything, including warmth, so if you like the slight warmth you’re getting from the cubed pre (Bryston seems to be going more in this direction as their models progress) you ain’t gonna get that with the BP26. It’s the penultimate truth teller. Hope this helps at least somewhat.
Its a type of circuitry, in this case Salomie. The mans name with the patent was Alexandru Salomie. He since died. The BP-26 is different circuitry than the BP-17 3, which is referred to as cubed. I wish someone could chime in here in regards to a comparison to the 26 vs the 17...