Recommendation for an audiophile speaker cord that is not "bright"?

A friend has loaned me the Nordost Valhalla I and II as well as Nordost Frey 2 cables. They are wonderful speaker cables but do emphasize the "brightness" of my system including my Wilson audio Sahsa 2 speakers.

Any suggestions? Would used Transparent cables provide a richer bottom end? What about Audience Reference?

Any recommendations would be greatly appreciated. - Thank you - Gerry
I would rather enjoy all types of music on my system and get drawn into the music than worry about a flat response.   Even if it is flat coming out of the speakers which is almost impossible, the room interactions will not make it flat.  If the music coming out of the speakers were truly flat, most wouldn't like it.
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Thyname spout all you like, but actual tests by real experts like Toole and others show that flat response is the right one. The BBC dip is to compensate for typical room effects to get flat room response.
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