Need advice on new TT

Hi all

I'm currently using a restored Garrarad 301 but looking to go for a modern TT. Budget is around 20k$
My short list so far is Brinkmann Balance, Kronos Sparta and AMG Viella. I'm looking only for a table to use with my current 2 arms - Reed 3p and Ortofon 309D.
Any thoughts you wanna share with me on this ?
Thanks in advance to all repliers.
Viryat, we would be happy to compare a Cue to the Dohlman any day of the week.

Belt drive turntables will never sound as good as a properly designed direct drive, all belts have slippage, and will wear over time. 

Another issue with the Dolhman is that its plinth is a solid piece of metal in a air filled metal box, the plinth incorporates a Minus K vibration system which is great to keep  surface borne vibrations from exciting the table, except that any vibrations being produced by the motor or bearing would be hard to remove with this design. 

A solid plinth filled with proprietary composites, means that the table will absorb any noise from the bearing and motor which makes a very quiet table with maximum information retrieval.

Dave and Troy
Audio Doctor NJ

best groove that is an excellent question. We are intimately familiar with the electronics used Merrill which are excellent and the loudspeakers which were Martin Logan's which one of our clients has so we know what both of these components sound like. 

So your point is well taken however, the same three dimensional sound field, the same gigantic sense of space, the same sense of dynamics and deep bass the same absence of noise was also present when we setup the table in our shop with completely different electronics, T+A Reference electronics, Manley Labs Steelhead phono stage, Paradigm Persona 9H or Alta Audio Titantium Hestia loudspeakers.

So if you hear the same qualities in playback with two completely different setups and both sounded fantastic and the only thing is common was the table that must mean the table is the cause of those similarities 

Dave and Troy
Audio Doctor NJ
Of course it would be great audiotroy, because you are selling it. There is nothing special here except a different look and a plinth that is patently silly if you want to avoid resonance problems. All that you mention is marketing BS. Have fun selling it. The tonearm board is so small that the arms you can use on it are going to be limited. I would take any Kuzma table over it in a heartbeat not to mention any Basis, SOTA or SME. 
Chakster the Technics SP -10R is a dated design and it misses entirely several important issues such as isolation and mounting the record properly so that it is held tight and flat in a non resonating fashion. Very pretty though but if you buy turntables to look at you are in the right hobby for the wrong reasons. The Technics SP-10 and the Garrard's should be buried in the annals of Hi Fi history and appreciated for what they are, great designs in their day for their intended purpose which was really commercial radio stations whose last requirement, if even, was sound quality.
SOTA and SME are great companies to buy from because they are old and well established. Both have excellent customer service not to mention great turntables. Buying equipment from small, young companies is asking for it. Buying anything from Audiotroy who has a habit of popping in to sell stuff.... Never buy anything from a human who is trying to sell you something. They are way too dangerous. We are here to hash out these issues as hobbyists who are not trying to sell each other stuff and just want to try to understand the issues at hand. Audiotroy there are other very bright people who could easily try to sell their wares here but prefer not to on ethical grounds. They contribute to the issues at hand in a neutral fashion and I have the utmost respect for them and am way more likely to purchase one of their units.  
Mike the Onkk shown at the New York show is the final production version, the final price has been set at $21,000.00 the original price was $19k but due to the price of the control system going up right before the show we had to increase the cost to cover this price increase and add a bit to cover shipping.

We will be comparing this table to the VPI $30k direct drive table shortly we will advise you all of that comparison.

Any audiophiles in the NY Metro area with a really serious rig we would welcome the opportunity to compare.

We were there when the Kronos first hit the market, as well as Magico and YG, if you build a great product the market will usually find you.

Yes at this point a potential buyer would be an early adopter but as with Kronos, YG, Magico, Wilson there was always a first dealer, a first customer and a first review.

For anyone interested in purchasing the table now we will be including the $6,000.00 Scribe tonearm, for free as part of the purchase price this is only applicable for the first 10 units in production.

Dave and Troy
Audio Doctor NJ

Mijostyn, your viewpoint is extremely limited. We have found new products by reading the forum and we have learned from others as others have learned from us.

All of life is a buying and selling proposition, weather it is for a job, a service a relationship, we are all buying and selling to one another sometimes we buy sometimes we sell.

Yes we are promoting a product because it is spectacular, but this is no different than any person who has heard or driven or tasted or tried any product that is really special.

As per Basis  or Sota, come on man tap on a plastic platter and even if it is damped by brass inserts and you will still get a sound, acrylic rings. 

As per anything new, wake up Mijostyn, there is nothing that is ever really new, Class D amplifiers came out in the 1950s, tubes 1920s even Magico’s lastest speakers are an evolution of there other designs and new drivers made out of Diamond or Ceramic are also evolutionary.

As per new companies yes there is a risk, however, a really well designed product should be quite reliable, most of the time a slot less motor will never break, nor should the bearing, the only parts that could fail would be the outboard controller, and both Renishaw and the speed controller builder are large well established British companies.

Remember this is from a watchmaker, if you study mechanical designs a Rolex, Patek,Breitling will all last a lifetime.

Dave and Troy
Audio Doctor NJ