Need advice on new TT

Hi all

I'm currently using a restored Garrarad 301 but looking to go for a modern TT. Budget is around 20k$
My short list so far is Brinkmann Balance, Kronos Sparta and AMG Viella. I'm looking only for a table to use with my current 2 arms - Reed 3p and Ortofon 309D.
Any thoughts you wanna share with me on this ?
Thanks in advance to all repliers.
Tomic the Brinkman is an excellent  table however the Onkk is far more advanced design and is implemented beautifully.

The Onkks slotless motor and speed controller are absolutely state of the art.

We are looking to do the Florida audio expo if we do you should come in and take a listen.

Dave and Troy
Audio Doctor NJ
just curious - what don't you like about the 301?i am sure you know that SME is remaking them for 20k+
The Cue is the first table in years, maybe ever, that impresses me with the technology. Which it better be, to overcome the horrendous first impression created by the worst interview ever by Steve Guttenberg the alcoholic. Anyone interested do yourself a favor skip the first several minutes of that because the kid getting into watch making and the use of collets and how the ceramic bearing has zero play and needs no lube this at last is when you know this is the real deal.

The Technics strikes me as fine if you're into that sort of thing. Huge corporation, immense resources, design committees up the butt, it is no doubt the Honda of turntables, bringing Ferrari performance to Honda prices. I mean that as a compliment.

The next step up from that would of course be Porsche, but there is no Porsche in turntables instead we have the Onkk Cue which is the Konigsegg. No committee just one brilliant determined enthusiast not much interested in how its been done before but only in what is the very best way we can do it now.

Man I would like to get my hands on one of these! When I retire in 2 years if its not a new 911 it will probably be something like this. I wonder if they can make one in GT Silver?
can you Onkk Cue guys describe a one on one comparison with a specific known stock turntable and arm to give us a specific reference?

or post a link to a reference or review that gets specific?

until someone with a known reference that is not trying to sell us something hears it, it’s all hype.

google'ing Onkk Cue gets a bunch of HiFi show mentions and a price point of approx 25,000 Euros, but zero performance feedback.

this is like the tease phase.

not saying it’s not great.....but who has actually done a head to head comparison?