The Music Room - Boulder Colorado

This vendor has a lot of favorable comments - but I have had a very unfavorable experience with them this Dec 2019. I have sent all my trade items & $400 via PayPal to them (per our email agreement) - all of which The Music Room has been confirmed to have rec’d. Despite my many emails they do not get back to me on the status of my trade shipment of a Rega turntable. I have called them multiple times - I cannot recommend that you deal with The Music Room, and currently I do not believe that they are legit. If they don’t make right in the next day or so I will have to file a complaint with the BBB.
Ag insider logo xs@2xlarsa39
They are in fact legit. I have had multiple great experiences with them, both on purchases and trades. FWIW I have also found them to be fair and realistic on trade values, given the resale nature of the trade.
Absolute noob here and on a *very* tight budget.

All my transactions have been 5/5. If i thought, for a minute, they were up to any shenanigans, I wouldn't do business with them and certainly let people here know about it.

In thread response from them speaks for itself.
Great experience with TMR for me. Josh and whoever else it was(a lady), just handled things great for me. Many times better than some of the other audio outlets. 
I've done numerous transactions with TMR and have always had a uniformly positive experience. I just completed a transaction where I sold them three items.  I submitted my items over a weekend using their online form, had a quote from them on Tuesday, accepted their offer and had a pdf of shipping labels (they pay the cost of shipping to them) by Wednesday. They received my items on Tuesday of this week. By Wednesday afternoon, they had inspected/tested my items,  and I had received both payment via PayPal and an email from them confirming they had sent payment and thanking me for my business. 

As I type this from my listening chair, probably half of the system I'm looking at / listening to (cdp, speakers, and power conditioner + a set of interconnects and a power cord)came from TMR. As a 15+ year member of Audiogon,  to me, TMR is a great alternative for the audio hobbyist who wants to avoid the frustrations of dealing with some of the individual purchasers/sellers who seem to inhabit the Audiogon space now. I hope and fully intend to do more business with them in the future, as the bug bites. 
Everyone - I can tell you that Josh Jackson (Owner of TMR) personally reached out to me tonight w/the very sincere and earnest desire to make things right - kudos to Josh. My faith has been restored - will keep you all posted on prospective/promised resolution of my issues/order with TMR. Thanks for your collective input.