Best integrated tube amplifier, under $3,000.00. No phono needed. Could be used, too.d

What's the best integrated tube amplifier under 3k, don't need phono.  Used is ok, too.  Thanks!
128x128Ag insider logo xs@2xanotherbob
This is easily comparable to other suggestions, and almost HALF your budget.

Plenty for what you describe as use. It will drive your speakers, and worry free. You don't need a 50-100 watt spec on paper, if you think it won't drive your speakers.
Go to the webpage for any questions about it.

Been using PL products over 10 years.Ignore the import bashers
Without question... the Line Magnetic integrated amps... will amaze you.  Just incredible resolution of detail, clarity, and 3d soundstage.  Those mentioned above are as good as it gets!
The Raven Audio Blackhawk has the best sound out of the box- truly high end rich yet transparent.
If you need more power the Rogue CM II/III can sound nearly as good with some tube rolling of the 5 small signal tubes.  
May have been supporting systems but I did not care for the sound of the Line Magnetic integrated amps.  
The Primaluna sound very good but tend to have a certain flavor to the sound and have too many tubes to deal with for me to bother.  
Here’s Huff’s review of the Line Magnetic amp, which sounds very much like their amps noted above. Though, I think I might even like the LM 518ia, or LM 805ia a bit better.

Huff kinda "goes nuts" over every new amp he reviews. But, you will have a difficult time finding a better sound than any of these Line Magnetic amps. Certainly for their modest price.  

Of course... provided... that you mate them with the right speakers (e.g.  Proac Response D2).