Is There any Consensus at all amongst Audiophiles?

I remember once reading somewhere that theories in science don't necessarily disprove and succeed each other - merely that when proponents of less popular theories die they often take their theory with them.

So even in science there is no absolute right or wrong, merely an accepted consensus which can change from day to day. Much like the butter or margarine debate which has seen both sides on top at one time or another. Sometimes even old forgotten theories eg Flat Earth, can attempt a comeback!

However this lack of consensus only applies to cutting edge science. It does not mean that the vast amount of accumulated scientific knowledge is held in contention. Indeed there have been no major upheavals in scientific thought for almost one hundred years. 

And that despite the rise of the internet age.

Anyway, it would be interesting to see whether there is any consensus at all in the world of domestic audio playback. Very little, if the past few years of this forum are anything to go by. Professional audio on the other hand doesn't seem to have the time or stomach for this kind of endless navel gazing. 

But still, there must be some consensus in domestic aydio - there must be. Otherwise we're all doomed to die endlessly disagreeing with each other. Perhaps it might be easier to get the ball rolling if we can all state what we actually believe in. Perhaps.

I'd like to start by saying that err... this isn't easy. Hmm.. how about me saying that increased bandwidth (20Hz-20kHz) is a good thing?

Surely we can all agree with that, can't we?

What else is there?

Loudspeakers have a greater performance impact on the delivered sound than other components. Even more than other transducers like headphones and cartridges.

How about adding that this is because loudspeakers exhibit over a thousand times more distortion than the rest of the audio chain added up together?

Instead of constantly bickering, which we also enjoy, it might be of some interest to see what we actually believe in.

This might be more difficult than knocking other opinions (and less fun) but who knows, it might even make us consider different opinions, if not quite abandon our own.

They all want: "good" sound. "Good" is subjective. So there you go.

I wouldn’t waste to much time pining over the fact everyone has their own perception of what is "good" when it comes to sound. It’s largely a matter of opinion and preference.

Probably easier to get agreement on really bad ie very distorted sound than on what sounds best.

Just like most would agree dog doo flavor ice cream is bad but which flavor is best?
I think we can find a level of consensus in that we enjoy music. Different types for sure, but music nonetheless. 
Sometimes even old forgotten theories eg Flat Earth, can attempt a comeback!
That's a hypothesis. A theory is correct until proven otherwise.
I believe in science and engineering.

I believe in measurements.

I also believe in the buyer's listening pleasure being the most important thing in choosing equipment.

Oscilloscopes don't put up with bosses, angry customers and snow bound commutes to afford a pair of  speakers, people do, and those who shell out the money, in the end, should decide what brings them joy that is worth the exchange.

It is a great deal of fun to talk tech, and to learn and to share what new ideas are coming down the pipeline, but ultimately I believe that to your own ears you must be true.
If I had realized this was a bloviation contest I would have posted sooner. If memory serves there has NEVER been audiophile consensus on ANYTHING. Don’t believe Me? Check out cables, power cords, fuses, solid state vs tubes, tube brands, speaker designs, direct drive vs belt drive, contact enhancers, CD treatments, CD vs Vinyl, CD vs streaming, cassette vs CD, coloring CDs, demagnetizing CDs and cables, tweaks that are nit in the audio signal anywhere in the system, and others no doubt.