Recommend speakers for a large living room

Hi, I am moving to a new apartment with a large living room (38" x 23", plus a dining area & kitchen). I am planning to have 2 different sitting areas given the size. Here is a picture of the floor-plan:

Everything is wood floors except on the blue squares where I plan to put carpet. I’ve been thinking of using omni-directional speakers (German Physiks Borderland) given the area is large and there are multiple listening locations. But I’d like to get some recommendations & also some ideas of where it would be best to place the speakers - so far my idea is to put them on the red circles.

My budget for speakers is ~$50,000.

I would suggest listening to 30.7 Maggies, their size would not over power the room and properly set up the sound is amazing.

There are many fine choices, and synergy with the amp is critical as you listen to the candidates, Good Luck! 

I heard these Hybrid Electrostatics at AXPONA and they were excellent. With curved panels, dispersion and imaging were magnificent.  As I recall, they were well under your maximum.  Low WAF if I had to guess but the sound may just override that resistance, if you face that problem. 
You owe it to yourself to at least audition Vandersteen 7 ii's.  After listening to them, you may find a way to come up with a way to defray the cost of the balance between your budget and the actual cost of the 7's.
Focal Stella Utopias with Boulder amplification.
I have a large, difficult room and they fill it effortlessly. I am part of a soundsystem and domestically i require a powerful, but unfatiguing, musical sound with excellent PRaT, but also with texture and intimacy
The only alternative i might consider would be dipoles.
 Ime JBL's can be fatiguing