Zu Omen or Tekton Lore

Best floorstanders under $999 for low power SET amp?

Batch, Nicodemix, and Bc63, thanks for the replies. It's doubtful I will ever move to a vinyl set-up so it's CDs, and eventually streaming for me.

Batch, the comment on Lady Gaga and LMFAO had me LMFAO. Would I listen to that kind of music crtically? No, but when I am working around the house, I can see myself listening to a compliation that would include material by both.

I understand that the better speakers will always reveal poorly recorded material for it is. I just don't want something that is uber-detailed and it seems like you all have addressed that point rather nicely. Thanks again.

I suppose the better approach for me is to order both the standard and Seas-based version and see which suits me best.

I have had a pair of Pendragons for a few months now and have tried them with Audience AU24 'e' series (pricey), Morrow SP3 (good value), and 14 gauge ofc copper wire from Parts Express (cheapo stuff - did this when I wanted to try the speakers in the rear of my room). Honestly, the Pendragons sound great with any of them. They do not seem to be as cable dependent as other speakers I have owned. That being said, I love the Audience stuff -- their cables just seem to give great tone and balance, and have proven my favorites for many years with many different systems.

I'd go cheap for starters, figure out where you like the Pendragons placed, and then look for some different cables if you are so inclined.
Just got around to reading Andrew Robinson's review of the Pendragon. An interesting take on them.

He seems to suggest he is purchasing the pendragons. I might be reading too much into it but he does say they are now his "new reference loudspeaker against which all future loudspeakers, regardless of cost, will be judged". I don't know if that means he is keeping them, along with his Bowers & Wilkins 800 Series Diamonds.

That's two reviews of a Tekton speaker he has done. One day, I'd like to see him take on one upgraded with the Mundorf caps.
One other thing, from the photos included in his review, the BMW's Cyber Grey Metallic paint scheme seems to match up well with the color of the Eminence driver whose color I have never quite cared for much.