Best tonearm under $2k

I’m looking to upgrade the tonearm on my Acoustic Solid Bubinga wood TT. It came with a Rega Rb330 tonearm and although it does a pretty good job, id like to squeeze out a bit more. I just replaced the Denon 103r cart with a Soundsmith Zephyr MIMC Star cart and I don’t think I’m realizing it’s potential. I also upgraded my phono to an EAT E-glo S which I think would also benefit from an upgraded arm. My power amp is an Audion 300b Silver Night Special Edition driving Zu Soul Superfly’s. 
I’ve got one dealer steering me towards the Jelco 850s and another dealer suggesting the Sorane SA 1.2 tonearm. 
Does anyone have any listening recommendations on either of these?


@Chakster that’s strange that the table came with the Denon 103. Do these German TT manufactures know what the heck they are doing?  So I should be looking at high mass arms with the low compliance cartridge?  From what I’ve read about the Sorane, it’s been said that it has the mass of a typical 12” arm so that would be a plus. 
George Merrill sells the Jelco 850S for $795. It is an excellent sounding arm with expansive 3D soundstage, cohesive frequency response, and a fine top end. And you don't have to spend $2000 to get a big improvement over the Rega. Get the Jelco 501 phono cable. Don't let the low price fool you. Economies of scale.
Maybe consider an Origin Live Encounter—same mounting geometry as Rega and a big step up in performance. It will mate well with your MIMC Star.
rickraymond, that is correct you want a higher effective mass arm for cartridges with lower compliance. However, there is no typical 12" arm. The SME V-12 has an effective mass of 12 grams and the Kuzma 4 Point 11 16 grams. I am sure there are 12" arms with effective masses over 20 grams. The Sorane certainly looks like a high mass arm but numbers speak louder than looks. Never make assumptions. Assumptions are the mother of all f--- ups.

 I looked into the Origin Live arms and they seem to claim quite a bit about their arms and not really too concerned about arm mass vs cart compliance. They state that a very well built arm supersedes any issues with mating mass and compliance. There’s a ton of informative info on their website which is hard to take it all in. I would say though that their arms do look very well built and their methods of engineering are very convincing. I’m interested for sure but need to do some more homework.