How to A/B Test Power Cables & Interconnects?

Looking for some advice. Here is the situation:

  • I am building out a new system (dCS Bartok > Parasound JC 2 BP > Parasound JC 5 > Floorstanding Speakers)
  • Equipment is on-hand. I am in the process of re-wiring the A/C circuit with two matching, 10awg home-runs (one for power Amp, one for sources)
  • I have the opportunity to try some high-end power cables and interconnects
  • I will invest in the cables if there is a discernible difference. I am somewhat skeptical.
  • I am trying to come up with a test protocol to determine what these higher end cables do. Everyone advises that I do A/B testing will listening to music. Of course I will do this.

My question:

Is there some more objective way to A/B test power cords and interconnects? I prefer to do this by listening,...not using lab equipment. How can I A/B measure system "blackness" or noise level?

Any advice appreciated. Thanks in advance.

First, you don't need lines for power and source. Not only is this a waste of time and money, you run the risk of introducing ground loop hum and/or DC offset causing transformer noise. Whole system on one circuit, another circuit for lights and miscellaneous outlets, all you need. Been there. Done that.

As for objective, absolutely the wrong word. Like asking if there is an objective way to choose wine. You pour, look, swirl, sip. Done. If the next guy doesn't like your pick, guess what? That's HIS problem.

Besides, its not like its all that hard to hear these diffferences. What you do, get yourself a Synergistic Research Master Coupler, basically the gold standard of power cords for like 30 years now. Just get one. Used they're around $250 or so. Totally worth the money. Then compare whatever else the other guys around here throw at you. Should not be hard at all to discover they don't even come close.

Then do the same with the rest. Find whatever Synergistic interconnect and speaker cable you feel comfortable spending whatever amount of money on. Does not matter. I have not since 1991 ever heard anything else perform as well across the board, and doubt I ever will. So you get one, then feel free to compare away. Won't be long before you will be thinking what's the point? Just get the newest/best SR you can afford and relax and enjoy the music.... until you start wanting the next one....
millercarbon"First, you don't need lines for power and source. Not only is this a waste of time and money, you run the risk of introducing ground loop hum and/or DC offset causing transformer noise."

This is false and misleading for one thing it should be immediately obviously, clear, and apparent that using dedicated AC cannot possibly introduce, cause, or create DC offset in a component that is an absurd assertion, belief, and opinion as for dedicated lines if properly designed, installed, and implemented that will not cause an ground loop and in fact can prevent them.
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