What Class D amps will drive a 2 ohm load

Just asking.

I see specs into 4 ohms but nothing into difficult speaker loads (like Thiel CS5's).

Thanks for listening, 


Why was Atmosphere’s post removed, it in no way violated the rules of this forum?  Why do the moderators continue to allow George to insult others which is a violation?  How does one contact a moderator (not report, but actually contact)?
George, still waiting for you to demonstrate how an amp putting out 200 watts at 2 ohms is flowing more current than one putting out 400 watts at 2 ohms.  
You are treading on thin ice, publicly questioning moderators decisions, I've seen one other removed from these forums for this.
All submissions, whether they be questions or answers, are subject to moderation. Any designated moderator will have to the right to remove content that he or she deems inappropriate.

As for your other question, go listen to a pair of 25w ML2 monoblocks, doubling is your key to which sounds better at the 2ohms "to a given level". Not which sounds louder, a PA amp at 3000watts will do this, such as the Behringer NX3000 will do it for just $299 go buy one!!!.
If the moderators wish to ban me for asking legitimate questions, they are welcome to do so. I would do so in private, but cannot find anyway to contact moderators. If they do in fact ban people for asking legitimate questions, this site will lose contributing members until there is no site left.