Separate subs for music and HT/surround

My stereo setup is comprised of Ayre 5/20 series digital hub, preamp and amp that drive KEF Ref 1s through a passive Marchand high-pass filter. For HT and surround, LR side and rear surround from an SP3 go to NAD Class D amps that drive LS50s. The SP3 receives HDMI from an Ayre DX-5 DSD, and its front LR output goes to a balanced by-pass input of the KX-5/20. I have two Velodyne SMS-1 bass managers that provide acoustic room correction, two HGS-10 subs, and two HGS-15 subs.

Question: Should I use one SMS-1 with the two HGS-10s for stereo and the other SMS-1 with the two HGS-15s for HT and surround music? I realize there are advocates for using 4 subs, and I could daisy-chain the SMS-1s, but separating the SMS-1s seems a neat way to keep stereo separate from HT.

Ag insider logo xs@2xdbphd
I had previously done the quick setup of the Velodyne SMS-1 bass manager, so never really studied the manual. I discovered I should have been feeding the equalized output back to the preamp, a connection I had been failing to make. The aim is to set a comfortable spectrum level for the speakers using the video display then match it with the subs, a step I had been leaving out during my decade or more of use!

db, Piled Higher and Deeper
Hello DB,

     Have you fed the equalized output from the SMS-1 back to the preamp and gotten all your subs back from repair and setup yet? 

     Also, do you want to keep your unused Oppo 205 or do you want to sell it to me at a reasonable premium?  I'd put it to good use.


I haven't gotten a notice that the HGS-15 is ready for pickup.  I plan to feed the equalized output from the SMS-1 to the preamp today or tomorrow.  I've designated an input for that procedure.

I'll likely sell either the 205 or 105D or both, but I've yet to send the DX-5 DSD to Ayre.  The 205 presumably has the superior DAC process and does 4K; the 105D has a link to Netflix and is silver.  The 105D is boxed and ready to ship.


I think I ran the SMS-1 setup correctly, setting the overall spectrum level from the speakers to about 80 dB, then matching it closely with the subs.  The combined spectrum from 20-200 Hz seems pretty flat except for a hump around 60 Hz, and bit of rolloff at 15 Hz.  The HGS-15 is in a corner; the HGS-10 behind the left KEF Ref 1, a less than ideal arrangement.  When the other subs are returned, I plan to increase the separation of the Ref 1s about a foot and place an HGS-15 behind each.  I'll try various placements for the HGS-10s.

Hello DB,

     I believe that having four subs distributed in your room is going to increase the quantity of bass modes (peaks and dips), which is a good thing since your brain is going to sum the bass and average it by frequency. This will smooth out your perception of the bass, making it more detailed, natural and I think it's also going to get rid of your 60 Hz hump.
     I have an Oppo 105, I was hoping I could buy your 205 if you're not going to be using it.
