New Joseph Audio Pulsar Graphene 2

Just wanted to update my prior thread where this topic may have gotten lost.  As many of you may know by now, Joseph Audio has come out with the new Pulsar Graphene 2. This new iteration of the venerable Pulsars has a graphene coated magnesium midrange-woofer cone, and the drive motor, suspension system, etc., have been revamped. From what I have been told, the upgrade is pretty significant ... the sound is fuller and has greater ease, yet is very resolved. Jeff Joseph advises that an upgrade path will be available for existing owners of the Pulsars, too. Also, note that the price quoted in the Soundstage piece was in Canadian dollars ... Jeff informs me that the price in USD is $8,999 per pair. I am eager to hear the new Pulsars.
A few years back, I contacted Joey Audio to inquire about basic build quality/construction details of a particular model. Specifically driver-to-baffle attachment method (bolted or wood-screwed) and baffle material -wood, metal, composite whatever.
In no time flat did I receive an accusatory response suggesting I was looking for information regarding a DIY build -for myself !!!!???  

I can totally see that. These are not really questions which are often asked except by people looking for trade/construction secrets. While he could have simply declined to answer, I can also see his view point.

As I've written before, compared to a lot of commercial speakers, the part to purchase cost is very fair here. You could pay a lot more if the speakers said Gamut or Wilson.  JA speakers are a decent value, based on parts alone, more so if you like the sound quality.

Of course, some keep trying to price the steak they eat and insist that's how much the meal should cost.  Woe to them.


Hello everyone,,
I am a Jhonmicky Audio fan. I've heard them at shows in medium sized rooms and small rooms. At home, I have run Perspectives and now run Pearl 3s. I've compared them directly to other speakers with the idea that if I heard something I liked more in the same price range or somewhat higher, I would consider changing speakers. So far, I haven't heard anything I enjoyed more. IMO Jeff Joseph's build quality, beauty and sound quality are very high value at their comparative price points. That doesn't mean they aren't expensive, but it does mean that they truly compete with other brands that cost significantly more… 
Good reply Eric.

Yeah, I don't know a single audiophile (beyond a DIYer) who phones up a speaker manufacturer and asks those types of questions.

But this hobby has "all types" as we can see...
Hey 'E' : " ..You can totally see that" ?

It's astonishingly amateurish, unprofessional, wrong and insulting.

Here was my question: " ..Can you please tell me if the woofer/tweeter are 'bolted-in' (or wood-screwed-in) "

It raises alarm bells ? The company felt 'threatened' when a customer took the time to contact them directly inquiring about simple, basic design elements -FOR A  $10K loudspeaker !!!  Too funny.

That one single, simple exchange told me everything I needed to know about the man/product. Amateur. 

Any (current) KEF Reference loudspeaker is light-years ahead of Joey Joseph's Infinitely-Crossed-Over rip-off of a ($8-10K) 2-way stand-mount:
The "Joey's" aren't even close; in performance, sound qulaity, driver and enclsosure quality or sophistication.

If one has not had the opportunity to experience these fantastic loudspeakers, simply look to any world-wide reviews, you'll get the idea -in no uncertain terms.  

Heck, if you ask, I'm confident KEF will send you/direct you to their Reference White paper; a highly recommended 'read'.


Some people keep mistaking their "opinion" as objective reality.

Yes KEF Reference speakers get good reviews.

So do the Joseph speakers, which you just ignore because you are so fixated on dissing them and pumping up KEF speakers.

I could absolutely FLOOD this page with rave reviews for the Joseph speakers, from pro reviews to show reports to owners.

But why bother?  Not gonna make a dent in your bizarre obsession with trying to push people to the KEF speakers.   Why does it mean so much to you to enter a thread on Joseph speakers and trumpet "The speaker I like is WAY better than the speaker YOU like!!"  

There are many fine products, the Joseph speakers are one of them getting constant rave reviews.

People have different tastes than you.  

Why not deal with that in a more mature way instead of producing flame bait?