What’s your vote for the most ridiculous, overpriced, and useless tweak?

My vote: Furutech Outlet Cover 105 NCF $220, with “special crystalline material that has two “active” properties.” https://www.thecableco.com/outlet-cover-105-ncf.html

Anyone know if the USB version of the device will fit the USB port of a new iPad? Also, did you get Blue or Black USB device?
16,163 posts07-09-2019 12:55pmThat’s the one I will probably buy. Does the black wall adaptor come with the device? By the way, the long spiral thing is the antenna.

If you speak about the 20 bucks device they ship it with a power supply... I use my own tough...

geoffkait16,163 posts07-09-2019 1:30pmAnyone know if the USB version of the device will fit the USB port of a new iPad? Also, did you get Blue or Black USB device?
The usb blue cable they send had a regular usb end, the other end is a mini usb head that fit the small generator...I dont know for sure but I think this mini usb will fit the Ipad...

I correct my last sentence: the cable had a regular usb port head then you will need and adaptor for the mini usb port of the Ipad I think....
Thanks for the info. I will be getting the Black USB Schumann frequency generator. 🤗 I figure one Black might be better than two Blues. 😛 I will probably obtain a wall outlet adaptor for USB port with cable so I can place the device around five feet high.
I place a usb generator vertically nailed on the wood wall of my furniture in my audio room… I glued at the center of the printed antenna another antenna perpendicularly attached...I place some tourmaline and shungite stone on the cable and near the generator+ an Herkimer diamond...That seems to amplify the radiating power of the generator...

I will place another usb generator near this one or near one of the speakers connected to my computer , I will see the best location.... I order at the same time another larger one with a power supply... They are more potent and more suitable for a room...The usb one are designed to be bedtime therapy for insomniac in asia...But with my antenna and stones they seems to act with enough power to play their function in my small audio room... With this 2 small and 2 regular generators all must be perfect and I will end my search for cheap generators...I doubt that the Acoustic Revive costly one do much better...Anyway for 60 bucks all in all for the 4 generators this will be sonic paradise, this is already sonic paradise with the 2 i have...

This is the wrong thread to discuss all that, because these cheap generators are not useless,nor costly nor ridiculous...I apologize to all the readers of this thread, but I know only ridiculous tweaks I never experimented with to this day, then I will not speak of them for the moment, and for the costly one I will try to replicate them or let me inspire by them before speaking about them, and lastly for the completely ridiculous tweaks it is up to us to try or not because our credulity or blind faith level are different in each one of us... I am certainly interest to read about useless tweaks to inform myself not to replicate them and not to buy them … My best to all...