What’s your vote for the most ridiculous, overpriced, and useless tweak?

My vote: Furutech Outlet Cover 105 NCF $220, with “special crystalline material that has two “active” properties.” https://www.thecableco.com/outlet-cover-105-ncf.html

Oups! I think that it is evident that I am no physicist....My mistake...But what for the rest of my saying? the body is also an apparatus very sophisticated able to react to sensible information change...
«The wavelengths of sound frequencies audible to the human ear (20 Hz–20 kHz) are thus between approximately 17 m and 17 mm, respectively.»

my room is only very short of the 17 meter... How that 20 hz audible frequencies fit in it? it is here that wavelet analysis help a little no?
For your popquiz, I dont know where it is and you will be forced to repeat that for me...My best to you...
Longer waves either acoustic or electromagnetic wrap themselves around the boundaries of the room. That’s how you get a 25,000 mile EM wave in the room.