Comments on Amphion Speakers, Please

What do 'Goners think about Amphion speakers? I am considering buying a pair of Creons but I haven't heard them and the nearest dealer is many hours away.

My main concern is that their metal tweeter could be harsh or bright. I just can't listen to harsh or overly bright speakers. They drive me out of the room. So if anyone has an opinion on them I would appreciate hearing it. Thanks.
Like you, I am sensitive to the harsh quality of some metal dome tweeters. I have heard the Amphion speakers, and my advice is: Listen before you buy. Personally, I found the tweeter to be extended and detailed, but also distinctly "metallic" sounding. It was not my cup of tea.
I have plenty of experience with the Amphion Xenons. One of the warmest systems I ever heard was the Xenons paired with some Pathos amps. I heard them sound bright with a Rotel 1080 reciever. I have also heard them with Cayin KT88 but tube rolled Tung Sol 6550, Sim Audio W-7 and W-3 and a modded Unison Unico SE. Other than the Rotel, none of above sounded bright at all. A great speaker, but like most things, room and components will determine your results. I heard from some one that knows the line very well the Conrad Johnson is a great pairing with the Amphions.