Gobel and the Bending Wave

An article at Stereophile regarding the Gobel Divin Noblesse speaker caught my eye recently:


Jason Victor Serinus made a simple mistake and listed the AMT tweeter as a "bending wave" transducer. He's corrected the error, but the "fix" was just as curious. According to the Gobel website, and JVS's correction, the midrange drivers, which for all the world look like FaitalPro 8" mids to me are "bending wave" transducers in this model.


These midranges look nothing like the bending wave planar transducers used in the Epoque line, or described by their technology page here:


So, without being able to order and disassemble these $190K speakers, I'm really skeptical that this description of the midrange drivers is accurate.

That is all,

HI Erik- the bending wave driver IS alive and well.  The original designer of the Lineaum tweeter and later the Impact speakers (Paul Paddock) has designed a HUGELY impressive new speaker called the Forty 10 for a company named MCAudiotech (http://mcaudiotech.com) which I have heard several times and it is VERY impressive indeed.
Hello @jwpstayman

Very cool. :) I met the folks from Impact I had no idea there was a connection to the Lineaum.
I like the look of it too, I wonder if you could project images on that screen?


Just as I thought we had covered the bending wave speaker in all its commercial forms another vendor, Audionec (yes, NEC, not NET) popped up on my radar.

Pretty impressive designs, especially the modular version.


File these under #Unaffordable but #Cool and #I_have_not_heard_them