Does anyone use wood for vibration control?

What kind of wood have you found to be best?
Careful Geoff... We do not need to you to do an impression of one of England's funniest music "stars" 
Buster Bloodvessel .. Yep seriously, lol.

I have a selection of toys to play with along the lines you have described.

I have Myrtle wooden blocks, brass cones, ceramic cones and lamp black glass balls/ footers.

My 2 areas of attack in my mind were my integrated amp and/or cdp.

Which have you found to yield greatest changes of those pair of pieces of equipment?
As McMurphy admonished the other inmates in One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest when he failed to lift the 300 pound water cooler - at least I tried. My only nit is that if you wish to be a member in good standing in the Isolation Club you should probably take a short course that describes how springs must be selected according to their springs rates and according to the load under which they are put. A very stiff spring would be great for a heavy component but poor for a lighter one, and vice versa. The math is not very difficult. I’d be happy to tutor you.

I suggest you read a bit about Tesla's work, too. If for nothing else, but because Marconi was using a number of his patents for his work. Seventeen, if I remember correctly but I may be way off (many years have passed since I was in early grades of elementary school where I learned it).

I am not trying to argue about it in any way, but the story, with all of its twists and turns, is not as simple as it seems and, check it for yourself, Tesla actually did get awarded patent for radio.

There is a number of, often romanticized, stories about those events on the Internet so "cum grano salis" applies.

Hi uberwaltz

If you want give me a list of your equipment again and let me take a look at how they're built. Also what are they sitting on (shelving wise)?

Would be nice to do a few tune ups on Agon so people can see how easy it is.