Merlin vsm mme owners, Cardas cabling Question.

HI, just purchased an used pair of merlin vsm mme,replaced my Von swheikert VR3, my Question is, why cardas cables are so critical for this speakers, had cardas cables before, speakers and interconnect, and heated the sound of those cables, very muddy and slow, bass all over the place,coulnt'pull them out fas enough,
my preamp is joulet electra 150mk11, and I'm really scare to spend $3000,or more on used cardas GR,cables,now I'm using KCI silk worm with analysis solo cristal I/C, sounds good, but a little thin, great midrange, but not full body sound, that I'm acustom to, what will cardas bring to the table , in this situation.

your coments wil be apreciated;


Right you are, Bobby! I made my LAST comment...and being a "home theater kinda guy" I will now use my new Manley Stingray as a center channel stand while I watch Rambo III.

Bobbyapalkovic.... I have an all Ayre system with balanced interconnects including LP...V1xe, K1xe, C5xemp, VPI Superscoutmaster/rim drive/Benz LP, into Vandersteen 5A's. I had Ayre and Cardas cables in my system for over 5 months each. I thought that's the way the system supposed to sound until a friend came over with some high end Purist cables. The difference was absolutely stunning. This prompted me to audition lots and lots of cables. The best sounding ones for my system was Audioquest Sky/Everest, and Anti-Cables. These sounded very similar, so I got the Anti -Cables because of the price difference. In truth, no one could tell me which cables were better when I swapped out one for the other.
i was wrong stingreen in two respects, with the breakin and about your speakers. vandy's imho, are going to be aided by the purist or a cable that slightly constricts, so i see why you liked what you had. the ayre/cardas was too full and relaxed to interface properly. this thinning or lightness would make the 5a's sound quicker and more finessed. this doesn't make the ayre/cardas wrong, just inappropriate for you and your speaker. there are plenty of speakers that these wires sound better on than other types. this is not one size fits all.
and in general, speakers with tweeters that are crossed over lower tend to like these litz wires more than ones that are crossed over higher. this has to do with the amount of fullness in the treble itself.
thanks s,
best, b
I have a pair of VSM MMe with the most recent lead free upgrade, and I'm still waiting in the queue for the BAM upgrade. I too have known and admired Bobby's speakers since I first heard the Excaliburs in the 80's, but this has nothing to do with the cable question.

When I first purchased the VSMs I did as Bobby suggested: Cardas Golden Ref. bi-wire and Golden Ref. ICs. This worked for a long time, until I purchased the Ars and got the lead out. Either my hearing has changed, which is quite possible, or the "highly linear sound" (as Bobby refers to it) was both too high and linear for my musical taste. I sold the Ars, went back to the Berning, bought the Cardas Golden Ref. single wire and use Bobby's jumpers. Still I was having some issues. Recently I auditioned the AU24 "e" which was a joy to work with compared to the Cardas garden hoses, but yet they didn't improve the sound any, and if anything I felt that the micro dynamics of the AU24 exacerbated the issue. Finally, and as a surprise to the naysayers, I've settled on the Cardas Neutral Ref. single wire. These cables give me a little more warmth and mid-range at the expense of highly resolved top and bottom details. I've also had a parade of amps coming through the door and I love the laid back 300b sound over the OTL or the EL34. I have a huge room to fill, so a low powered 300b amp isn't enough oomph for symphonic or rock. I use the Berning instead for that type of music.

Bottom line: go with what your ears tell you. Not everyone hears or listens for the same sound that you do. For example I'm personally not as sensitive to coloration as I am to bright and edgy sound; thus I've never met a ribbon tweeter that didn't give me tinnitus.

Stay tune I could have two Golden Ref. speaker cables, as well as a pair of TG Audio HSR with jumpers listed on Audiogon soon.