Tidal Speakers owners

Could you please write your impressions about the Tidal speakers you currently own ? I will probably buy the Tidal Piano Cera in the near future so I would appreciate your feedback...
Bountchacny..glad you like them .doug is a great guy who always goes above and beyond for his customers.
Hello guys,

Is there already some news from the CES show in Las Vegas?

I have the FLOW loudspeaker cable from Argento for some weeks now and I'm very very content with it. It needs some heavy juice for 50 hours or more but then it settles and improves in smaller margins. It replace the Zu Ibis Cable and then the Serenity on my Tidal Contriva's AC (All Ceramic). It is a speechless match with the Tidals; Neutral and spooky real. Not pushing anything forward literally and figurally as some other contenders do.
Like to hear from you...
Recently i tried boulder 1060 power amp with my sunray, it gives more punch to sunray compared to my arc ref150, but i thought maybe bigger amp will make a good partner for sunray.

Anyone can suggest monoblock besides tidal's own electronic ?
I tried a BMC S1 solid state stereo power amp (200 wpc) and it was revelatory compared to an Einstein LITD tube hybrid on my Piano Ceras. The Einstein is a great piece but this simply confirmed my suspicion that Tidals love power and I won't consider tubes at all. My Tidals are now back at the factory where they will be morphed into Piano Diaceras!