For those who've moved from "vintage" to newer units

This is my first post on Audiogon, and I'm looking for additional thoughts to consider as I think about possible changes to my stereo system, the heart of which is a (fairly recently) recapped Kenwood L-0Cii and a Dynaco ST-70 (recapped, low gain VTA, and upgraded power supply). They feed a pair of EV Interface D series 2. It's a nice match and I have no real complaints about the sound at all. The Kenwood has a superb phono stage. 

I'm considering a change for the sake of simplicity. I'd like to consolidate space and perhaps move to a newer integrated amp (hybrid or tube) so I don't have to worry about have old gear serviced. What I don't won't to sacrifice is good sound on a tight budget. I'm not in a position to audition new pieces, so it's a gamble. 

If any of you have moved to newer gear after owning/using units similar to mine, I'd love to hear about your experiences. Any regrets? Are you happy with the change? Advice for this audio layman? 

Thanks all around. Very helpful.

A few asked about my budget. I’d likely look for something lightly-moderately used from 800-1200. I’m OK with line level only on the lower end; I’d like to have a phono stage on the upper end of that $ range. I am listening to flac files more often, but phono would still be a priority.

I’d like more wattage but don’t need anything extravagant with the EVs. 50-80W would be fine.

I do like the way the Dynaco pushes the speakers, so having an integrated tube amp seems ideal; but a hybrid--something like a Rogue Sphinx 2--would be also be in contention. I don’t know much about the RS's phono stage.

By biggest fear, really, is not loss of sound quality but a *variance* of sound that would result in disappointment. So yeah, I really need to find a way to audition the options.

I forgot to mention: if I decide to keep what I’ve have, I’ll double down and buy some GL kt 66 or kt77 tubes to replace the Tung Sol el34bs. I’ll enjoy for a few more years and then reconsider consolidation later.
I'd try NAD and Rogue Audio.  Both have integrateds in your price range.  Solid state for NAD and tubes for Rogue.
I have had the Kenwood, Dyna and EV speakers. Your exact system. Your amp and preamp were just overhauled, so they should be good for another while. You might want to consider updating the crossovers ( more modern components ) of the EVs. If you are happy, I would stay with what you have, for now. If inclined to go more up to date with your amp / preamp, save up. It has been over a year that I eliminated my preamps, as I went passive ( both preamps were quite beyond the LO7C ), and my amp collection ( each and every one of them ) sound better than I can ever remember them sounding. I could not be happier. Granted, my passive is above your price range, but there are excellent units for much, much less. This is my own experience, but if you want to hear your source ( s ) like never before, I believe your ST70 and EVs would accommodate. Need more info, plenty of talk around here on the subject, and any questions, just shout them out. Enjoy ! MrD.