Bright or Dim?

Have you ever noticed that when listening to music in your listening area that music seems to sound better with the lights down? To me there is a rather noticeable difference. Could be just in my mind because that's how I like to listen, or is it something more biological/scientific than that?  Could it be that the lessoning of one sense enhances the other? Maybe it's just me. Anyway I thought I would see if anyone else has the same experience. Im sure if there is an actual reason for this phenomena, that someone on this forum will have the answer :) 
Music creates mood and so does lighting.  I purchased a pair of 2800K (warm white) LED floor spot lights and placed them behind my towers.  This is the only light I use in our living room when listening.  My speakers now look incredible.  This shows off my speakers and helps to set up such a great ambient mood in the room.  Very relaxing and it helps me to focus more on the music.  A great sound system combined with subtle lighting enhances the feeling you get when sitting down to listen to music.  We now spending more than 50% of our time in our living room than in our family room.  For the past 31 years we used our living room twice a year.  We referred to it as our museum.  Now we call it our music room.

"For the past 31 years we used our living room twice a year. We referred to it as our museum. Now we call it our music room."

Larry your story sound exactly like mine. Up until the past 2 years we NEVER went in our living room. I used to tell my wife all the time "lets turn it into an office or something" It seemed like such a waste of space. Maybe thats why home builders stopped building houses with formal living rooms. Anyway. I purchased a nice system to go in that space and now I use it almost daily. Plus I have two places in my home to get some solitude. Best decision I have made, and the WAF was good because I call that system "her" system lol. Hey do what you have to do right.. lol

Hey Elizabeth. This is a little off topic but question for you. You say you listen to music all day and all night. So do you turn on your system on in the morning and leave it on all day until you go to bed even when you run out for an errand? Just curious. I turn my system on and leave  it on all day. I only turn it off if I know i'm either not going to listen that day or I know I will be gone most of the day. Im sure that has been a topic of discussion someplace on this forum but thought I would sneak a quick off topic question in. Im sure this could be a topic all by itself. 
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