Vandersteen Model 7: has anyone heard?

I won't have $45K to spend on a loudspeaker in this lifetime or any other I imagine but the little snippet in TAS peaked my curiousity. Has anyone heard this speaker and would be willing to offer their impressions?
No, I have not heard the 7. If the past is any guide, you will be disappointed. Don't fool around, go directly to Wilson's. Aside from the tweeter, everything else is just gliz in overpriced furniture. The acid test for speakers in that price range is whether the dealer will on a loan basis, put them in your listening room, and set them up on a trial basis. Hearing, in your room, is believing.
"The acid test for speakers in that price range is whether the dealer will on a loan basis, put them in your listening room, and set them up on a trial basis."

How many dealers do you know who can afford to do this? It's simply not practical. In most cases they only have a demo pair for audition. They take it from the store and then can't audition for other customers. I've never known a dealer who would do that with an expensive speaker. Which ones have done it for you?
Great response from Buconero117, real quality advice. Paraphrased as "I haven't heard them, so I have no idea what they sound like, but I'm going to say no, you'll be disappointed". As far as the packaging I'd say the same about Wilsons. A nice sounding speaker but waaay overpriced in an expensive package. Sorry I can't comment on the 7's, but if they are as good as Richard Vandersteen's other speakers, all of which I've heard, they sound much better than their price. And it is so nice to know that when you buy Vandersteens you're paying for quality components, not expensive window dressing.
Due to the completely different design philosophies, I've never seen Vandys and Wilsons in competition for the same listeners. I've heard numerous models from both and can hear what diverse listeners find to admire about both approaches. Listen, choose, then enjoy!