totem arro

I'm considering some arros and I was looking for some feedback from people who have experience with them. What kind of music are the good at reproducing? What kind of amps work best? I hear they are best in small rooms. Whats the maximum room size they excel in? Thanks in advance for helping me out!

I'm offering a comparison, for whatever it's worth, with full disclosure of the possible limitations of that comparison, in the hopes that some people may find those experiences useful. Why do you feel a need to chastise me for that? What's that about?

For your part, you have on several occasions shared your negative experiences with Ohm speakers, a sharing of experiences to which you are fully entitled.

Respectfully submitted...
ok everybody..take a deep breathe, i feel as i started something here, not my intentions to do so. we all have strong opinions concerning equipment we have owned, as debbi admitted , and i applaud that. let face it, we all don't know until we do what the builder suggest, we very seldom read the paperwork and give any thing a real chance. I have done it and we all have done it, debbi, enjoy your ohm, ill enjoy my arro, everybody, listen to music and enjoy this hobby which we all take to seriously and become too addicted....dwhiit
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