Just got the Focal Scala V2 at a great price

Hi folks

need some recommendations on the amps and preamps for these speakers.  I got them 2nd hand for a great price as I was not willing to spend £25k+ for the ‘upgraded’ Evo.  Too much money for a bit more which I don’t think is worth it.  Now my old amps will not cut the mustard here and I need to seriously get something new to do them justice.  I listen to a wide variety of genres mainly vynils from rock to blues to Pink Floyd, heavy metal, pop etc... I love the bass and it’s very important to me.  Bright sound doesn’t put me off.  Thanks for your input and help here 
If you want to support your British brethren, have a look here for some amp manufacturers.


The stuff I’ve seen from Chord, looks impressive, but the cost seems to match. Way out of my budget.

And if if you want to find a French amp maker to power your French speakers, check this site out for some ideas.  Or you can use this site to look for all amp manufacturers for that matter.


The Jadis tube amps look nice. 

Being in in the US, I hope to someday have some Mcintosh gear. Some seem to bash them but from what I have seen and listened, I think you can’t  go wrong with Mac gear. Plus it holds its value better than just about any hi fi products I’ve seen. Searches on audiogon will confirm as much.

Congrats on the Focals, btw.

Thanks mmorison55.  The Mac dealer is not far from where I live.  I have auditioned a range of macs previously with a set Focal V1 and I wasn’t crazy about them, maybe it’s the way I am used to the sound - I like my music a bit more open and slightly on the bright side. In England macs cost double the price of what they cost in the US and not much gear available on the 2nd hand market. The list is massive moving forward but wanted to narrow the choices to few.  Heard that a tube pre amp would be great with this combo as they are bright with a Decent ss amp. I know the folks at Stone audio - will go there next week. Cheers! 
I’ve been hearing a lot of good things about Hegel as well, but unfortunately I don’t see anyone near me in Tampa that has them for a Demo. The price seems better than most and supposedly they are built quite well for SS amps.
I heard Focal speakers with Mark Levinson amps years ago and that worked great. Maybe their latest integrated will suite you.
For something French you can try Devialet.