Little Rock, Arkansas - Any Audiophiles out there?

I currently live in Little Rock, AR and have for the past 7 years.  Unfortunately, I have found this place to be almost devoid of audiophiles.  Anyone here on Audiogon liven Little Rock or central Arkansas?  Would you be interested in starting some sort of audiophile social club?

128x128Ag insider logo xs@2xoldmandave join the group, go to & search for Little Rock Audiophiles MeetUp.

Or, if you would prefer, send me your email addresses & I will send you a direct invitation. My email is [email protected]

It will be much easier to propose dates, times & locations in that forum as opposed to trying to do so through Audiogon’s forums.

FaceBook page:

Just looked to see if there was anything around LR and stumbled on this thread. Good timing it seems. Requested to join FB group. 
I wish I could figure out why Audiogon is not notifying me of new messages.  I am sure I have something set incorrectly.  Let me go to the FB page & make sure I haven't inadvertently ignored you.

@oldmandave   Contact me in Support and I can check to see what the problem is with you not getting notifications from us. Please put Attention: Tammy Only in the subject line. You can send it to [email protected]