Audioquest Slate biwire vs Audioquest GBC single wire

New to Audiogon. I just purchased here PSB Imagine T2 speakers, driving them with an Arcam Alpha10.
I need at least a 20' speaker cable pair, but have a tight budget (no more than $250).
I have seen for sale elsewhere used Audioquest Slate biwire  cables, 23' and 21' lenght, bananas on both ends for $149, but also used Audioquest single wire GBC cables, 25', spades at both ends, for about $ 100.
Have not been able to figure out which are the better cables. The Slate cables are older, i believe.

I'd be grateful to hear your opinions or about references i should check.

Thanks, Manlio
Thank you Auxinput for your input( ...). I am fine with bananas, but both amp and speakers have gold plated termination. Does that not work well with the silver plugs?
And stereo5, thank you for your feedback as well. the PSB Imagine T2 may use a little emphasis on the bass. Do you think that $ 149 is a good deal?
There's no problem with having gold-plated binding posts on amps and speakers.  Pretty much all posts are gold-plated anyways.
Silver plated bananas will increase the resolution and attack of the sound.  This is good if your system is very warm/slow sounding, but you can easily cross that "fine line" into the "too fast" area (depending on the resolution of your current system).  If this happens, the music becomes too bright/harsh and can actually sound a bit sterile/artificial.  It is just a matter of experimentation with your current system.
oh, $149 is a good deal, but you can get this pricing a lot.  Lot's of people sell older Audioquest speaker wire for good pricing.