Jelco Easy VTA on the Fly

Hi guys

I Would like to present you this new VTA adjustment for the Jelco tonearms. Easy to install and use, this will be an upgrade that your Jelco arm really deserves.

Hope you like it.

Hello Spencer

If you have access to the collar mounting screws from the top and after unplugging the tonearm cable you leave it at the top, then I suppose its possible. I can do everything from the topo on my turntable.


Does anyone here care that someone has co-opted this forum for the sole purpose of selling a product? If you don’t care, I don’t care either.
@lewm in fairness, it's something that is useful and an extremely niche, enthusiast product. 
@gary7  these are cheap knock-offs of the OP's product, which looks and apparently is a more highly engineered device.